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Janet Hamilton

  • Low Testosterone Treatment Options

    Testosterone is the hormone that gives men characteristics such as facial hair, fertility, developed muscle tone, and deep voices. Low testosterone is treated by replacing the testosterone that would normally be produced by the body. Testosterone replacement therapy should always be closely monitored by a doctor, as there may...
  • Symptoms Of Glaucoma

    Glaucoma is often thought of as a single disease, but the term actually describes a group of eye conditions that cause optic damage and possible loss of vision. Usually, the damage is caused by abnormally high pressure within the eye, and glaucoma is one of the primary causes of...
  • What is Congestive Heart Failure

    Congestive heart failure is a progressive condition in which your heart does not pump or fill efficiently. In other words, blood flow through your heart is abnormal. The condition is chronic, which means it cannot be cured. There are, however, many treatment options available to help slow progression and...
  • Is Your Stress Affecting Your Heart’s Health?

    New data sheds light on the mechanism behind stress and heart health. Many heart attacks occur due to the coronary arteries being blocked by blood clots that have been formed when plaques of cholesterol have ruptured. When blood is not flowing in the blocked arteries, it leads to the...
  • What You Need To Know About Thyroid Cancer

    The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the throat. It makes hormones out of iodine and knows how much to release because of the pituitary gland. Once released, the hormones are then sent throughout the body to control your metabolism. Your metabolism is more than just how fast your burn...
  • How to Prevent Sciatica

    Sciatica is essentially a symptom that consists of pain, tingling, muscle weakness, or numbness along the sciatic nerve. Inflammation or injury in the gluteal area or lower back of the body can irritate the sciatic nerve leading to various symptoms trailing down the leg in the back or even...
  • Analytics: What Does a Database Do?

    A database is any organized collection or assortment of information or data. The programming language primarily used in creating databases is SQL (Standard Query Language), though other methods (the use of software and other programs like Excel) can help users create databases without using a programming language at all....
  • Understanding Data

    Data is the plural form of the word “Datum,” which means “a single piece of information,” so data is commonly just defined as information. This information can exist in a number of forms: as bits and bytes stored digitally, as words on paper, or just as facts floating around...
  • Covering Your Classic Car

    When you own a classic car, you have to treat it with extra care. If you take good care of a classic car, it is an investment that will appreciate in value each passing year. One of the most important parts of caring for an antique car is keeping...
  • Understanding Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition of virtually body-wide pain. Although it is still not completely understood, it seems to be characterized by poor sleep, cognitive problems, head-to-toe pain and stiffness, and a variety of other physical and psychological symptoms severe enough to interfere with everyday life. Although the exact...
  • What Causes Muscle Pain?

    Muscle pain, or “Myalgia” is a symptom of a larger condition or disease. This type of pain is usually localized, affecting just one or more muscles or parts of the body. Almost everyone experiences sore, aching muscles now and then. Muscle pain can range from mild to excruciating, and...
  • 4 Natural Remedies For Treating Gum Disease

    Gum disease is a bacterial infection that begins as gingivitis, which is an inflammation of your gums. Fortunately, if caught early enough, the infection is reversible and easy to treat. There are several natural remedies that may be effective at treating your gum disease. However, it’s important to note that,...
  • The 3 Stages of Gum Disease

    Gum disease is a progressive infection in your gums and surrounding teeth and bones. Although the infection can occur at any age, it is most common among adults. If left untreated, gum disease can cause serious destruction to your teeth, gums, and bone. There are three main stages of gum disease....
  • Prevent Gingivitis With These Simple Tips

    According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, almost 53 percent of Americans beyond 20 years old have gingivitis. On the other hand, it is most normal in Hispanic Americans and African Americans and is general more ordinarily found in men than ladies. There is an assortment...
  • What Causes Prostate Cancer?

    Even though medical advancements are made every day, medical researchers still don’t really know what causes prostate cancer. Fortunately, advances in diagnosis and treatment for prostate cancer look very hopeful. Possible Causes Some men inherit the hereditary prostate cancer gene 1, or the HPC1 gene. Unhealthy changes in the...
  • What Salary Can Plumbers Expect?

    Many people are interested in pursuing careers in technical fields as a result of the competitive pay and opportunity for professional growth. In many cases, these individuals are interested in pursuing positions within the plumbing sector. If you find yourself drawn to this vocational opportunity, you can benefit from...
  • What Do Plumbers Do?

    From the moment the first viaducts were built and water began to flow through them into ancient cities, a knowledgeable, mechanically minded individual was called to repair breaks in long, traversing lines of connecting pipes. The word “plumber” originates from the Romans, whose ultra-modern construction of viaducts, baths, and...
  • The Pros and Cons of Becoming a Plumber

    Indoor plumbing created a new market for services that previous generations did not need. Since the introduction of indoor plumbing, we have looked for people to install our toilets, unblock our pipes, and figure out why the washer keeps flooding the house. It is due to this demand that...
  • Could Miscarriage Be Caused By Coffee?

    So, it might seem like the occasional morning espresso is harmless during the nine months of your pregnancy. And who knows, maybe you weren’t even aware you were pregnant for the first few months of it! And that’s okay. A recent study shows that while the one-in-a-while coffee isn’t...
  • Top 10 Accredited Online Universities

    The need for higher education is fast increasing. With this trend, universities, colleges, and schools are quickly adopting online study programs to meet this demand. While some of the causes are genuine, hence recognized by requisite regulatory bodies, a few people have fallen victims to quack institutions, jeopardizing their...
  • Top 5 Accredited Online Colleges

    Generally speaking, online education and online college degrees have evolved a great deal in the last decade. Especially considering, just several years ago, there were only a handful of colleges offering online degrees. Now, however, the number of online colleges and the number of applicants has both quadrupled. Every...
  • Online vs. On Campus: Which Type of Community College is Right for You?

    Online colleges used to have a bad reputation, but they’re recently becoming an increasingly popular and more accredited option. As a result, many college students are questioning whether they should enroll in an online community college or attend an on-campus school. Here are some things to consider before you...
  • Miscarriages: What You Need To Know

    Also referred to as a spontaneous abortion, a miscarriage is the sudden loss of pregnancy before the 20th week. However, it occurs most often before the 12th week. About 15% to 20% of all confirmed pregnancies will result in miscarriage, but as many as 75% of all conceptions will end up as miscarriages. The...
  • Risk Factors of a Miscarriage

    Also referred to as a spontaneous abortion, a miscarriage is defined as the sudden loss of a fetus during the early stages of pregnancy—usually before the 20th week. According to the American Pregnancy Association, approximately 10% to 25% of all clinically confirmed pregnancies will end in miscarriage. The causes of miscarriage...
  • Cancer: Causes, Types, and Treatments

    Cancer is a general name given to over 100 different individual diseases that develop because cells begin to reproduce out of control. When this occurs, these new abnormal cells can then invade other healthy tissues. Once there are enough cancer cells, they will then form a tumor, although there are some that do not, such as those...
  • 9 Signs and Symptoms of Cancer

    Cancer is a group of diseases that manifest themselves in a variety of ways. As cancer grows, it will begin to put pressure on certain nerves, blood vessels, and organs. As a result of this constant pressure, signs and symptoms will begin to present themselves. How the signs and...
  • Cancer Treatments

    From the moment that cancer is detected, it can be very scary. After all, cancer is one of the leading causes of death for all age groups and both genders. However, while cancer is not yet curable, there have been many advances that have changed the way that it...
  • The 5 Stages of Cancer

    We’ve all heard cancer described as being in a particular stage, with higher numbered stages more serious than lower numbers. But what do these numbers actually mean? Most doctors use a staging system called TNM, which measures tumor formation (T), lymph node involvement (N), and the presence of metastasis. 1....
  • Symptoms and Signs of Bone Cancer

    Bone cancer is a primary or secondary form of cancer. Primary bone cancer is where it begins in the bone. From there, the cancer will then begin to develop in the cells of the bones. Secondary bone cancer is where it begins in other areas of the body. Once...
  • The 5 Stages of Liver Cirrhosis

    Liver cirrhosis is a progressive condition where scar tissue replaces the healthy tissue of your liver, which eventually results in your liver’s inability to function properly. This happens because the scar tissue prevents the flow of blood through the liver and slows the processing of nutrients, hormone, drugs, and...
  • Diagnosing Bladder Cancer

    Bladder cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the cells of the bladder. Bladder cancer symptoms can include blood in your urine, pain urinating, and pelvic pain. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or any other symptoms that worry you, see your doctor as soon...
  • How to Keep Your Yard Safe Without Chemicals

    The amount of chemicals in the most popular lawn fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides can severely damage the environment and cause algae blooms in ponds and lakes. It is actually easy to avoid using chemicals when caring for a lawn. Several tips will help you to have a healthy lawn...
  • Online Accounting Degrees: What You Need to Know

    Overview When it comes to getting an online accounting degree, it should be noted that such a degree can be earned on different levels. For example, an undergraduate or graduate-level degree can be acquired. A graduate degree will, of course, take longer to earn than an undergraduate. After earning...
  • Treatments for Narcolepsy

    If you are prone to daytime exhaustion, poor sleep at night, and falling suddenly into a deep sleep regardless of what you might be doing at the time, you might have a sleep disorder known as narcolepsy. While little is known about the cause of narcolepsy, and there is no...
  • What You Need to Know About Night Eating Syndrome

    A Night Eating Syndrome, NES, is an eating disorder that is typically characterized by eating later in the night and very little during the day. According to WaldenCenter.org, it is a disorder that is often characterized by a delayed circadian cycle (biological clock) of consumption pattern. It affects about...
  • Preventing Pests and Bacteria In Your Yard

    According to Bloomberg in 2012 Americans spent about $40 billion on lawn care (fertilizer, exterminators, etc.) not counting their own labor. Since the EPA estimates that about 84 million households have access to a private lawn that’s about $500 per household per year. While you may not have thought...
  • Drinking During Pregnancy

    Drinking During Your Pregnancy? Drinking alcohol while pregnant is a risk that may cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) to develop in the unborn child. There is no guarantee that FAS will happen, but it can. The symptoms of FAS can be assessed not only at birth but also at...
  • Delirium Tremens and Alcoholism

    Although most habit-forming drugs result in addiction, and therefore withdrawal symptoms, of all these chemicals only two can be deadly upon the cessation of the substance: benzodiazepines and alcohol. Delirium tremens (DTs) refers specifically to the severe symptoms that occur as a result of withdrawal from alcohol. Here’s a...
  • Aspirin Can Lower The Risk Of Some Cancers: Here’s How

    Your entire body is made up of cells, which make up the tissues in your body, which a make up your organs. Your organs allow for your body to function and are responsible for various body processes that are necessary for living. Sometimes, however, your cells undergo uncontrolled growth...
  • Overview of Ulcerative Colitis

    Ulcerative colitis is a set of chronic provocative bowel diseases. This disease is characterized by provocative infection of the colon and rectum. Crohn’s disease is about spreading inflammation from the rectum and on the intestinal mucosa but this disease is limited. Both women and men are affected by it....
  • Treatment For Ulcerative Colitis

    Ulcerative colitis is a disease of the colon in which tiny open sores and inflammation develop and produce, pus, mucous, and extreme discomfort of the digestive tract. An abnormal response of the body causes the immune system to mistake materials in the intestine for invading substances, and the body...
  • What Causes Osteoporosis?

    Osteoporosis is a developing condition in which the bones become so fragile that they may break easily and lead to permanent disability or even death. Serious possibilities include the following: bone injuries, serious back pain, and form problems that must demand work, hospitalization, and possible even surgery. Osteoporosis is...
  • 5 Terms Any Human Resources Grad Should Know

    Human resources, or HR, is one of the most important departments in a company, and whether the company has 50 employees or a few thousand, human resources will be playing an essential role. If you are not someone who is trained in human resources, it is still important to...
  • 6 Skills Every Good HR Manager Needs to Have

    Human resource (HR) managers play a number of roles, depending on the size and organization of a company. They are the main link between employees and employers and they do everything from hiring and managing benefits to mediating employee disputes and developing training curriculums. You need to have a...
  • How to Get into Human Resources

    The human resources department of any organization or company is dedicated to the recruitment and management of employee, as well as providing direction in the workplace environment. To break into the HR field, a college degree is becoming more of a necessity. Though a degree may not be required,...
  • Expert Secrets For Flea Control

    Fleas are tiny, dark brown, creepy-crawlies which feed on animals by sucking their blood. They move around on the surface of the skin, dodging between hairs and are difficult to see, let alone remove. They might live on your cat or dog for about a month. One indication your...
  • Top 20 Online Degrees for Rewarding Careers

    This list of the 20 Best Online Degrees for Careers was compiled by the Babson Survey Research Group. They were chosen while taking into account factors like salary, growth in the employment field, relevant subject matter, employment demand in the degree, and career satisfaction. 20. Communication Philosophers for centuries have...
  • Lymphoma Types in Children

    Lymphoma is a term that refers to a type of cancer that originates in the body’s lymphatic tissues. These include the lymph nodes, lymph vessels, the thymus, the spleen, the tonsils, the adenoids, and bone marrow. Lymphoma is the third most common type of cancer in children, affecting approximately...
  • Top Tips Every Student Should Know About Studying Smart

    Studying can be one of the most difficult concepts for students. After all, once you’re in college, all you can think about is socializing and having fun. However, if you don’t know how to study effectively, you won’t last long in college and you won’t be able to earn...
  • ADHD Symptom Myths to be Aware of

    While ADHD continues to be one of the most common neuro-behavioral disorders in children and affect upwards of 4% of adults, this condition is subject to a variety of common myths. Early treatment is key with this disorder, and that is why it is so vital for everyone to...