The Top 7 Schools to Get a Psychology Degree –
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The Top 7 Schools to Get a Psychology Degree

When selecting a college or university, it is important to have an idea of how programs stack up against each other. The following are some of the top options for a psychology degree, including traditional and online-only programs:

Vanderbilt University

Often considered one of the best psychology programs in the country, Vanderbilt distinguishes itself by virtue of its history of high performance in the education field. Students are able to take advantage of a number of experimental research programs.

Boston College

Another household name, Boston College is well known for a variety of strong academic programs. The psychology program at Boston College takes advantage of the prestige and tradition of academic performance at the school while offering students a comprehensive psychology program.

University of Cincinnati Online

While a traditional school, the University of Cincinnati offers an entirely online psychology program. They offer two degree paths, one of which is tailored towards professionals who already have positions in psychology.

UMass Online

The University of Massachusetts is a well-known school with a number of high-performing faculty members. As a result, the program at UMass is a rich and rewarding experience for the aspiring psychologist.

Michigan State University

This traditional program benefits from an extensive collaboration between the university and local school districts. As a result, students are able to have deep, meaningful clinical experiences that translate directly into practice.

Stanford University

Along with the benefits afforded by a degree from Stanford, students are able to tailor their degree path directly to their professional goals. The result is a highly customized and relevant degree from a world class school.

University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign

With 11 Nobel laureates on staff, the UIUC faculty is a tremendous resource for aspiring psychologists to rely on. This exposure to some of the greatest minds in the field is certainly a selling point for this fine program.


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