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Atopic dermatitis or eczema is a recurring skin inflammation that leads to the flaking, scaling, and crusting of the skin. These symptoms are often associated with mild to severe itching. It can present itself all over the body but typically appears on the face, elbows, and knees. Eczema is usually a symptom of an underlying problem or condition. It is often brought on by allergies, a weakened immune system, stress, or an infection.

A majority of the time, it is treated by physicians with a steroid cream that focuses on the itching but does nothing to clear up the underlying condition. Healing eczema takes a bit of energy and time.

Natural Remedies To Consider

Environmental Triggers/Allergens

Eczema is a skin condition and the first logical step it to pinpoint the triggers that your skin may be allergic to. Things that often cause these reactions are laundry detergents, soaps, and scented lotions. Initially, try replacing these things with all-natural hypoallergenic products. Some clothing like polyester or wool can also often irritate the skin.

Make Changes to Your Diet

Start by keeping a journal or list of everything you consume every day. After a few weeks, a trigger food may become evident. Oftentimes, food allergies that contribute to the appearance of eczema are dairy and gluten. If you haven’t found a culprit after journaling, start with cutting out wheat. Remove the foods containing gluten from your diet for a month and make notes of how your skin reacts and whether it improves. If eczema persists, move on to the next culprit and repeat. An allergy test done by a physician can also help with this but can often be expensive and uncomfortable.

Probiotics for Healthy Digestion

Millions of healthy bacteria live within our digestive system. Sometimes these scales are tipped, and the bad bacteria overpower the good ones, causing an imbalance in the body and impairing the immune system. A solution to this is eating fermented foods like kombucha, sauerkraut, and yogurt.

Featured Image: Wikimedia/G.steph.rocket 


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