Cancer –

    As medical experts gain a more thorough understanding of how variations in cancer cells lead them to replicate uncontrollably, they formulate and design new medications that directly address these cellular variations. The purpose of these new targeted therapies is to inhibit the growth as well as their ability to spread...
  • HER2 Breast Cancer Treatments

    HER2 is a type of protein that increases the rate of growth for cancer cells and affects nearly one in five women with breast cancer. Targeted drugs are available to help prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells, including breast cancer cells. HER2 breast cancer treatments are available mostly...
  • HER2 Breast Cancer Treatments

    There are a number of factors that can lead to the development of breast cancer, and one of which is the HER2 gene. In roughly 25% of breast cancers, the gene fails to work correctly, ultimately causing too many copies of itself being made. This causes breast cells to make more...