Kristy Johnson –

Kristy Johnson

  • Anti-hemophilic Factor Recombinant

    Treating Hemophilia A With Adynovate

    Hemophilia is a rare disorder in which blood doesn’t clot properly due to a lack of sufficient blood-clotting proteins. Although hemophilia doesn’t have a cure, there are treatments available to help manage it. What treatment patients receive will depend on the type of hemophilia they have. Adynovate is one...
  • relapsed multiple sclerosis treatments

    Relapsed Multiple Sclerosis Treatments

    Relapses, also referred to as attacks, exacerbations, flare-ups, episodes, or bouts, are experienced by most people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Relapses can occur with relapsing-remitting, progressive-relapsing, and sometimes secondary-progressive forms of MS.  Relapses don’t occur with primary-progressive multiple sclerosis, although patients with this form of MS may experience day-to-day...
  • stem cell therapy for lupus

    Stem Cell Therapy for Lupus

    Lupus, formerly called systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects 1.5 million people around the world, 90% of whom are women.  Lupus usually starts during the childbearing years, causing the immune system to turn on the body and attack different organs and tissues, especially the...
  • acyclovir shingles treatment

    Acyclovir Shingles Treatment

    Acyclovir is an oral medication that is used for the treatment of shingles. Shingles results in inflammation and itching that is somewhat similar to chickenpox except that it is usually much more severe. This treatment, which is taken two to five times per day as directed by your primary...
  • Shingles Medicine

    Shingles Medicine

    The virus that causes shingles is the same one that also causes chickenpox, and the symptoms usually include a rash that appears on the side of the face or body. Shingles usually presents itself with a very distinct, red, itchy, and sensitive area. Medications can be prescribed by your...
  • Laxative for Opiate Constipation

    Laxative for Opiate Constipation

    Constipation is one of the most common side effects when you are taking opioids for pain. Most people recommend that changing your diet or lifestyle to include more fiber and incorporating more physical activity into your routine will help to alleviate constipation. However, this may not always work, so there...